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Why White Lion?

We present you ten good reasons, why you should opt for high quality dry ice blasting machines from White Lion. An innovative cleaning procedure, a claim to produce maximum quality and the continuous further development of our devices are sureties for the fact, that White Lion pleases the highest demands and requirements.

Top Ten
The top ten reasons why dry ice blasting with White Lion is so superior.

1. Made in Germany
We produce exclusively in Germany – in particular, this refers to assembly and machining.
In addition, we offer telephone availability around the clock.

2. User efficiency
White Lion dry ice technology is time-saving, less labour-intensive, fast and effective: sensational cleaning results, reduction of your cleaning cycles, fast.

3. Online cleaning
Machinery and equipment can be cleaned with dry ice directly at your site, meaning no complex disassembly and increasing the productivity of your business.

4. Time is Money!
Dry ice cleaning is fast and effective, giving you a long service life.

5. Gentle on surfaces / non-abrasive / non-flammable and not electrically conductive
Dry ice cleaning with White Lion dry ice blasting equipment is extremely gentle and can even be used on electronic components.

6. Prevention of secondary waste
Dry ice as a blasting abrasive evaporates and sublimates immediately during the cleaning process, leaving no contaminated abrasives such as water or granules of any kind. This is an important aspect in terms of the economic efficiency of dry ice cleaning.

7. Dry ice blasting is everywhere
Compared to conventional industrial cleaning, dry ice blasting with White Lion equipment means you can reach almost every part of the system, machine or component to be cleaned.

8. Environmentally friendly and easy on resources
With dry ice cleaning, the Green concept of “the green mind” is included. The dry ice blasting process meets the guidelines of the USDA, FDA and EPA.

9. User and occupational safety
Your employees and other people are not exposed to toxic chemical vapours and solvents while working with White Lion dry ice blasting systems.

10. Yes, in the food industry!
The dry ice blasting process is approved for the food industry – CO2 is food safe. White Lion offers a powerful, thorough and fast method of cleaning that is suitable for any industry in the world.

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